« When Left to our own devices.... | Main | 2008 Workshop Dates Announced! »

Thursday, December 06, 2007



I am so there...doing all I can to convince my husband that I NEED to go! :) Merry Christmas!


I'm so excited that I'm going to be there! I'm driving my family crazy talking about it, but I just can't help it. I can't wait!


OOOH I so wish I could go!!

bev robison

I am soooo wishing I could be there. I've been dreaming and drooling for so long now. Sadly, that is the same weekend that my eldest child is starring in the school musical...Fiddler on the Roof! Yup, he's Tevye. Can't miss that one. Please, please, please tell me when the next one will be and I am in! Thank you! Love your stuff....


Gosh I live in NC and I would totally kill to attend if I had the money but I don't! UGH why did you have to taunt me so I want to soooo bad! But a lowly high school student making around $30 a week can not afford that :-( Oh well maybe one day right?

Jason M

I can't wait to see the west coast workshop dates!!


I want to come to ALL of them!!

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