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Thursday, November 29, 2007



ooooh fun!!!


How can your images get any better??? Congratualtions...new toys are sooo much fun:)

Joy K

oh that I could.....i want it, i want it!!!!!

off to buy a lottery ticket...

Dawn S

you are funny brianna!
Happy 21!
Can't wait for the images!


I would so buy that if only I could afford it. HAHA! I hope you enjoy your new camera immensely!


Congratulations on your new baby!! I can only imagine your excitement! I just want to upgrade to a 40D or 5D from my XTi but I have to wait until my hubby sees the need...stinks. I will throw a party when I get a new one! Have fun with it. I look forward to all of your awesome shots with it.


Too bad I am a Nikon Girl.... haha.. congrats to you.. from everything I have read your new camera is the dream camera.. enjoy cant wait to see your results with it..

Christy L

I can't wait to see all the new images!!! I'm sure you've been extremely busy with the holiday season so I can only imagine how many new ones you have to choose from! I'm sure they are all stunning! I will be watching :-)

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