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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Michelle H

These are spectacular! I love your style of shooting and it seems everyone else does too. I am just starting out and I was toying with the idea of doing seniors but noticed that most shoot very plain and I was so uninspired until I saw your blog. Thanks :)


stunning!!!! this post made me look twice ... ok maybe more then twice ... it's just gorgeous!



wow...these are stunning!!

She's beautiful, I think she looks a bit like Jessica Simpson :)



Your images are exquisite! I'm a long time reader and now officially delurking. As a developing photographer with aspirations of shooting professionally one day, your images serve as inspiration for me. I love your site and I love your work!



totally awesome! luv, luv, luv


absolutely beautiful! that last shot is my favorite. i love the yellow-ish and blue together. :)


Brianna... I think that it is time to make a new post.. I need to see more.. I think have broken my mighty mouse with how any times I click to your site and blog.. You rock.. I wish I lived in MI so you could shoot my family!!

Audrey L

Wow, your work is amazing!!!! Love the color and your PP is just perfection!!!


You're amazing Girl!! You never cease to amaze me!


You SIMPLY ROCK seniors!!!! I LOVE your stuff & always look forward to what you're going to post next. So fresh & beautiful!!!


UH-MAZING!!! Totally beautiful shots!!


Wonderful light in these! Gorgeous girl you had to photograph there!


How can it be that you always seem to top the charts of amazement. Your work is impeccable and one day I will be blessed by the opportunity to be taught and mentored by your amazing skills. Until then I keep trying to figure it all out under the shadow of your wings,



So gorgeous...may be my favorite yet! I totally love that green couch...I want the blue one (it's in the new catalog!)

Heather G

Wow these are amazing. These are how I really wished I could have had mine done, but mom said no we were just getting the dumb ones from the school!


Awesome images. Just gorgeous, your lighting...everything.


wow..what a beautiful session and senior! I love the last shot with her bare feet and far away gaze..amazing!


These are stunning Brianna


wow, what an amazing session!!


I can not handle how talented you are. You simply amaze me. It's ALL just so damn good!




Wow, that last one is absolutely amazing!


Lisa W

Hey do you supply the outfits or do your clients just naturally have style? I love these by the way she is adorable!


Good heavens Breanna!!! It is obvious that this girl is gorgeous, but wow!! You made her look absolutely AMAZING!!!! Excellent work as always. Can't wait to see you in action.

adam h

As a student in a professional photography program, your work is always a major inspiration to me and my work. thanks for sharing.

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