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Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Sara H

The new site ties in perfectly- love your style! Can't wait until Nov!


Brianna, it is beautiful . . . just like everything else of yours! I can't wait to attend one of your workshops. West . . . come West!!

Kara E

BEAUTIFUL new workshop site. SOOO lovely. So Brianna!!!


The new website is amazing. You have really outdone yourself.... again! I love everything about it. Great work. I wish I could come again, the experience was priceless.



The new site looks gorgeous! I've been following your blog and just now realized that you're right here in town when I saw all the Grand Rapids workshops. Now I'm going to have to start saving my pennies. Would LOVE to be able to go someday. Your work is amazing!!

Amy M

Looks great! :)

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