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Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Jeff  Rodgers

Your mad skills are very inspirational.

Your a super star.

Lauri Baker

These are gorgeous! At a car wash, huh? Who knew? For teens or a couple, I wouldn't be surprised, but this makes me want to break out of the box I've created for my children's work.


Wow...stumbled on your site...your photos are to die for. Just wow. Keep sharing please.


Only YOU can pull something like this off at the carwash! Your incredible!

Becky (Daisyduster)

Those eyes...
And I just love where your focus was....


These are breath-taking! I can't stop looking at them... Wow!

Joyce Smith

Such gorgeousness--I can't stand it! :)


That is because she is always dressed soooo cool and awesome no matter where she goes!!! She is GOOOOGeous! FANTASTIC as always :) xoxo

Daniel J Pesta

Simply phenomenal, you are the best my in the country. I get more excitement and wowed over how you pull off the images and the use of photoshop to enhance them. A master for sure, your daughter is the best of your models for sure and looks like she has quite a spirit of joy,



These are fantastic.. the colors are wonderful I am always amazed at where one can find cool photo opportunities.. usually its the least likely place.. teeeheee.. Is this your daughter?

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