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Wednesday, July 19, 2006



I have become a huge fan of your work. I would welcome the idea of a workshop. Please keep me informed of any workshops that you are contemplating asap. Thanks!!!


What is the status on your potential workshop? I'm sooooo interested in learning anything you'd be willing to share!!!!!

Michael Phillips

What is the status of this workshop?

Ashley Beth

I am VERY interested in this. I live in Louisiana, but I would be very interested in learning from a freakishly TALENTED photographer as yourself. I have already put in my PTO for the year, so I wouldn't be able to attend the Oct. week...do you have anything else in the works?! How about the web-mentoring?


Great idea! In fact, I contacted you when I first started out 1.5 years ago asking you if you were available for mentoring and I'm still interested.


I would LOVE to attend a workshop. Please send me more info. Thanks!


I would love to attend a work shop as well as the mentoring!Let me know when you have more info!


I would also be interested in a work shop


Brianna.. where have you been?????


I am very interested in a workshop as well. I would love more info when you get a chance.


I sent you an email - I am VERY interested! :-)


I would LOVE this!!!


I would also really like to attend a seminar if you are planning on hosting one.

Amy Montgomery

Definitely interested in online mentoring! Please keep me posted! Great idea Brianna!


I emailed you as well...I would LOVE to attend a workshop, I am in Lambertville MI, where is Grand Rapid?! I would also be VERY interested in web mentoring! I'll check back for more info!


You mentioned "potential online web-mentoring", any details? As a big fan of your photography, I am very interested in this option.

martha bravo

you got mail


I think it sounds great.. I wish I could do something like that I would love to see how you work etc.. I live nowhere near grand rapids..and with 4 kids and being the one who stays home it would be next to impossible for me to get away.. however I say go for it. I bet you will get a huge response

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